Responsible Research and Innovation - Nicole Dewandre from DG CONNECT at IT University of Copenhagen

IT research and innovation addresses many of the core challenges to modern society within health, energy, social life, culture, etc. It should respond to the needs and ambitions of society, reflect its values, and be responsible. This ambition is at the core of the IT University of Copenhagen's strategic research areas. This ambition is also what motivated the EU Commission Directorate for IT research to introduce Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) actions in H2020. Nicole Dewandre’s visit at the IT University is a great opportunity to explore how IT research can contribute to and possibly shape the definition of RRI actions in Horizon 2020 as well as inspire the landscape of Danish Research Activities.


Programme for May 5th (14:00-17:30)

14.00-14.15 Welcome (Mads Tofte)

14:15-15:00 The Onlife Initiative and RRI: Perspectives from the European Commission (Nicole Dewandre, DG-CONNECT & Judith Simon, ITU)


RRI and ITU’s Strategic Research Areas & Education Initiatives

15:00-15:15 Critical Systems

15:15-15:30 Decidis

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00-16:15 Energy Futures

16:15-16:30 Ethos Lab

16:30-16:45 Big Data Specialization


16:45-17.15 Discussion: RRI in Denmark

17:15-17:30 Closing Remarks: RRI in Denmark – Future Possibilities and Options (Jens Christian Godskesen) 


Presenter Nicole Dewandre is advisor for societal issues to the Director General of the Directorate General for Communications, Networks, Content and Technologies (DG CONNECT) at the European Commission. She studied applied physics engineering and economics at the University of Louvain, operations research at the University of California (Berkeley) and philosophy at the Free University of Brussels (ULB). She entered the European Commission in 1983, working in technological foresight until 1986. She then became a member of the Central Advisory Group and the Forward Study Unit, dealing with strategic analysis of research and industrial policy for the President of the Commission (1986-1992). In 1993, she supported the Belgian Presidency of the European Union in the areas of industry, energy, and consumer policies. From 1994 onwards, back in DG Research, she has been developing the "Women and Science" activities, has contributed to the opening of the EU research policy to civil society, and has been in charge of the "sustainable development" unit that has been put in place in DG Research between 2007 and 2010. In 2012, she has initiated the Onlife Initiative, which has explored how the advent of hyperconnectivity challenges policy-making, in pervasive and radical ways. She coordinates the joint approach to social sciences and humanities (SSH) and responsible research and innovation (RRI) in DG CONNECT. She is also ensuring the secretariat of the pilot Community of Practice for better self- and co-regulation.



3A20 at IT University of Copenhagen